Slippery Strana's
(1999) Robot Page

UK Series 2 Lightweight Melée Winner

Slippery Strana

Slippery Strana is a low-cost, low-tech robot, built (mainly) by my pal Charlie. It got us 10 seconds of TV fame in 1998 when we actually won the UK Series 2 Lightweight melée.

Charlie and I were nearly filmed for the 1999 Series 3 program too, but it was not to be.

Along with the 12 Featherweight competitors, we were one of 4 Lightweight teams assembled at Elstree Studios in London, hoping to be filmed. But mysterious machinations contrived against us all.

See below . . .

What's Under The Cover ?

Plans ? . . . What plans ?

With an upgraded battery, sharpened spikes, a cosmetic touch-up and an interesting new rim, SlipperyStrana WAS to have defended its title as winner of the Series 2 Lightweight melée.

And yes, we GOT to Elstree Studios OK, but . . .

Ooops !

due to a combination of unforseen events, all the Featherweights and Lightweights returned from London unscathed and unhappy.

In fact, the Lightweights and Featherweights were told to 'stand down' and were not filmed for Series 3.

The 'unforseen events' were a combination of a robot, a weapon, an ankle and an injury (mercifully small, and reasonably described as 'accidental'). And all in spite of some carefully scripted safety precautions.

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(1998) Slippery Strana pages

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The Robot Name

The Speed



The Amazing Shell

A Good Fight

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Page updated on 2007-04-15